Friday, May 27, 2011

What I learned about medicine from GWU, JACC, and Sid the Science Kid

It's Sid!

When I was in PA school at George Washington University I was told that half of what I was being taught was wrong.  Unfortunately, nobody could tell me which half so I had to keep reading as science develops.  I was reminded of this when I read the most recent issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in an article that was titled, “Diuretics: Are Our Ideas Based on Knowledge?”.  Something as simple as diuresis in heart failure has room for critical questions.  Finally, my three year old and I love to watch Sid the Science Kid.  He is the kid who wants to know “everything about everything”.  He generally starts his morning with a question about the world that he then discusses with his Mom, Dad, Friends, Teacher Suzy, and his grandmother.  At night he reflects on what he learned.  He would do well in PA school and I would do well to follow his example.  He starts his day admitting he does not know something and spends his time trying to remedy that problem.  

GW and JACC have encouraged me to stay curious and question everything.  Sid has taught me that instead of trying to be the person who knows that maybe I need to be the person who wants to know more.

Stay curious my friends, and enjoy the conference! 

Cardiothoracic Surgery and Critical Care
APACVS Board Member
Speaker Chair for the APACVS Critical Care Conference in DC  June 22-25, 2011     

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