Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Whew! Trying to Catch My Breath!

Golly good golly as we say in our PA oriented house.

This baby is running full steam ahead, and "as we get older," it seems to get a little rougher. Still fun, but rough. Let's look at today for example. I was working on HOD last night, and texting some PAs I need to talk to right at bedtime. I got up at 5am, got a few texts back, and shot them a few back. Hit the shower, scrambled to the fruit room (Resort Club, fruit central!).

Off to the HOD delegates orientation, but I couldn't stick around because I needed to meet with a colleague with concerns about a res I helped write. We met, it was productive, then off with my wife Pat to the opening ceremony. Nice and showey event, lots of music, emotion, flags, laughter. Great event.

So then it's back to HOD to meet many about resolution concerns. I slammed down a sandwich from the sando stand (I am an HOD alternate, but we don't get food anymore), revised a resolution in conjunction with my awesome council chair (best editer ever!), and now it's off to see my wife Pat present her PubMed Pearls talk.

Keep it coming!

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